Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Okay, so I have done jack with this blog in 7 months. Yikes! I gave Tumblr a go, but honestly, I don't get it. All it is is a bunch of hyperlinked pictures that people share -- unless I'm doing it wrong, isn't there a similar site called Pinterest?! Anywho, I'm back on blogger and am hoping to dedicate myself to daily or near daily postings of my training, successes and woes, and everything in between. As I'm laying here sick in bed, I realize that I sometimes take the health and ability to go lace up and do an easy 5 for granted.

My last race was the OC Half Marathon, which was pretty disastrous. I hadn't had any knee issues since LB Half so was shocked when on mile 4 my knees (yes, both) started acting up out of no where. I was diligent with my training so this made zero sense, especially since I'd been pain free since November. After the race, I have basically taken the last two months off from running. Fortunately, I make it to the gym (sometimes twice) daily so I'm still pretty well conditioned, I just need the low-impact the gym provides on my knees.

Right now, I have my sights set on the LB Half, again, Rock n Roll LA, Holiday Half and New Years race. I know, I'm a planner. Ask any of my ex-boyfriends... I plan things out well in advance! Goal for Long Beach is to *finally* break 2 hours! Ugh. I know that is not an incredible time, but would be huge for me. I can't seem to break it. I was well on track at OC to do so, but with my knees, I was just lucky to finish. Death before DF!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog, whatever this comes to be. 

Happy Running!